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Cecilie Samrita has extensive experience and qualifications in the following discplines:

Soul Sessions

Love, Life Mission, Health, Carmic Patterns and Past Life. Clairvoyant readings advise on all matters of life and answers all your personal questions.



Hands-on healing, massage or remote healing which includes a written channeled message. Going to the core of any pain or symptom physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.


NLP and Enneagram Coaching/Therapy 

NLP and the Enneagram are great systems for self-understanding and personal growth. It helps us get out of the box of our own habitual patterns and limited ways of seeing. 

Chakra Readings

Enlightening you to your Chakras. The Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies where energy flows.

Lectures, workshops and training

Subjects: Mind-body, spiritual awakening, healing, yoga, meditation, self-realization, higher love and higher consciousness.


Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga

og Yin Yoga 

Kundalini Yoga is known as "Yoga of awareness". You can experience a strong practice on many levels. Hatha Yoga focuses on the balance between masculine and feminine energies and Yin Yoga on deep and long held stretches. Breath and body awareness and guided meditation in each class.  














Mindful and calm classes, strenghtening the core muscles, flow in both movement and breathing.


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* Enneagram Master
* NLP Master Practitioner
* Esoteric Coaching 
* Psychology tools
* Reiki Healing
* Theta Healing
* Kinesiologi - Touch for Health
* Classic Massage

* Kundalini Yoga Teacher Level 1

* Yin Yoga Teacher

* Hatha Yoga Teacher 

* Prenatal Yoga Teacher

* Pilates Instructor

* Yoga Fitness Instructor

* Training Supervisor 

* Group training Instructor

* Bachelor in Tourism.

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